
Platypus poison
Platypus poison

The effects of platypus-derived GLP-1 are now being explored in detail thanks to a $200,000 grant from Medvet Science, the medical research support and commercialisation arm of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network. Maybe this iconic Australian animal holds the answer to a more effective and safer management option for metabolic diseases including diabetes.” “We already know that their GLP-1 works differently, and is more resistant to the rapid degradation normally seen in humans. We were surprised to see GLP-1 present in venom and think that this may have led to a more effective hormone. “Male platypuses produce venom during the breeding season and can deliver the venom from their hind spurs. “We have privileged access to these amazing animals,” says Professor Grutzner. Numerous research groups worldwide are investigating different forms of GLP-1 for their effects on metabolic diseases, including diabetes.

platypus poison

“More recently we discovered that monotreme GLP-1 has changed radically in these animals, due to its dual function in both the gut and venom.”

platypus poison

“One of the most amazing discoveries of the platypus genome project was the massive loss of genes important for digestion and metabolic control – these animals basically lack a functional stomach,” Professor Grutzner says.

platypus poison

A modified form of GLP-1, exenatide, is widely used for diabetes treatment. The metabolic hormone is known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and is normally secreted in the gut of both humans and animals, stimulating the release of insulin to lower blood glucose.

Platypus poison